
Injuries that Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Injuries That Causes Erectile Dysfunction

A lot of people might ask if injuries, physical or psychological, have anything to do with erectile dysfunction (ED). And, if so, what injuries could have a significant impact on causing sexual dysfunction or impotency in men? Here, we’re going to learn about the injuries that cause erectile dysfunction in males, and what is the treatment for ED caused by such injuries.

What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED), also known as impotency, is a condition that may cause the erectile external sexual organ of males i.e., the penis, to lack certain functionality. As such, the testosterone hormone in the male body is unable to produce sexual desire (libido) or characteristics. This can also lead to unsatisfactory copulation, and eventually, hardship in sexual relationships between the couple or partners.

One of the main problems of erectile dysfunction is the inability or lesser desire to copulate due to the lack of sexual hormone (testosterone) that is responsible for producing the erection of the male genital organ prior to intercourse. This happens when the male sexual hormone called testosterone is low and fails to function normally. That’s why sometimes doctors suggest taking testosterone boosters as a treatment for ED.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

There can be several reasons why a condition such as erectile dysfunction occurs in males. Various clinical research show that erectile dysfunction can be caused by to:

  • Lack of proper diet
  • Less engagement in physical exercises and activities
  • Excess body weight
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Nerve damage
  • Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
  • Prostate cancer
  • Pelvic injury
  • Health issues such as cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, and diabetes
  • Habits involving smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug addiction
  • Contraction of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), commonly HIV/AIDS
  • A side effect caused by other consumable items, medications, illicit drugs, etc.
  • Surgery or operation

The various factors that cause erectile dysfunction or impotency in males should not be neglected because doing so may further complicate the condition.

Known Symptoms of ED:

The testosterone level present in the male body is a vital hormone that is produced in the testes i.e., the male genital gland, and is responsible for increasing and decreasing sexual desire in men. Testes are one of the essential male genital glands which secrete the semen.

If the testosterone hormone level is significantly lower than normal, the person may experience a condition known as erectile dysfunction.

Thus, a few known symptoms of ED experienced by most men are as follows:

  • Unable to invoke sexual arousal (libido)
  • Unable to produce erections
  • Unable to maintain erections during sexual intercourse (short-lived erection)
  • Unable to delay orgasms (premature ejaculation)
  • Loss of interest in sex drive
  • Low semen viscosity (low sperm count)
  • Depression, anxiety, and stress
  • Reduced energy
  • Other complications

A low testosterone level could also be caused as a side effect from other consumable items, including foods and beverages, medications, as well as non-prescribed e.g., over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, etc. when taken for longer periods of time.

Can Physical Injuries Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can result from various factors, including diseases, hormonal imbalance, inadequate flow of blood from blood vessels, psychological emotions, as well as certain physical conditions like damaging the nerves, and injury to the spinal cord, prostate glands, and pelvis, etc.

On the other hand, men who have undergone prostate surgery, pelvic surgery, and associated surgery may experience erectile dysfunction in the form of an underlying condition. For example, most men undergo prostate surgery (prostatectomy), possibly if the person is suffering from urinary disorders, enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or prostate cancer (prostatic adenocarcinoma).

These occur in the male prostate gland. The prostate gland is a gland that is found in the male pelvis and is situated at the neck of the urinary bladder where this joins the urethra. The urethra is responsible for carrying urine from the urinary bladder to the penis.

Thus, it is likely that erectile dysfunction could also be caused due to incurring physical injuries, particularly in the prostate gland and pelvis, and post-surgery.

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Injury

If you are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction or impotency your healthcare provider will decide the best treatment method for you based on your condition and individual needs.

Specialists, such as surgeons and urologists may perform surgery using advanced endoscopic techniques in order to address the symptoms that occur in patients with urinary disorders, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, etc. And, after addressing the symptoms, the surgeon or urologist may carry out the surgery using the necessary procedure.

The different procedures that are practiced include traditional open surgery, laser surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or surgery performed with robotic assistance in most cases. In the case of prostate cancer, the procedure involves using radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.

Doctors/physicians often prescribe medication drugs to patients who are having difficulty with erection and are unable to copulate. The dosage and duration of taking prescribed medication drugs varies from one person to another, taking into consideration factors such as the person’s age, weight, severity of the condition, medical history, etc.

It’s important to note that erectile dysfunction in males could also be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Therefore, it is advised to consult your healthcare provider if you think you might be experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Aside from taking the dosage of prescription medication drugs for treating erectile dysfunction, there are other things that can help improve the condition.

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Take natural Viagra substitutes. Add apple cider vinegar, garlic, fenugreek, and clove to your diet to improve sex drive.
  • Engage in physical exercise on a daily basis
  • Only take medications prescribed by your healthcare provider, and avoid excessive dosages of such medicines
  • Refrain from unhealthy habits and addictions e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit drugs, and prolonged use of medications

These are some effective ways to keep the body functioning normally, and thus, may prevent many health problems from occurring and affecting one’s lifestyle.

Wrapping Up

Impotence in males can give rise to many other problems that could affect their health and relationship with their partner. Further, if left untreated, the person could have several more complications.

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