
How Long Does Erectile Dysfunction Last After Prostate Surgery? What Expert Says?

How Long Does Erectile Dysfunction Last After Prostate Surgery

At least one in seven men undergo prostate surgery (also called prostatectomy), possibly if the person is suffering from urinary disorders, enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or prostate cancer (prostatic adenocarcinoma). These occur in the male prostate gland. But, does prostate surgery treatment have a direct or indirect impact on people with erectile dysfunction? Here, we’re going to take a look at how a person with an ED condition can cope with prostate surgery treatment. And how long does erectile dysfunction last after prostate surgery?

A Brief Overview of Prostatectomy and its Impact on People with Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Prostatectomy is a surgery that involves the removal of either a portion or the whole prostate gland in males. Thus, it is also referred to interchangeably as prostate surgery. Therefore, persons with urinary disorders, enlarged prostate glands, or prostate cancer are required to be treated with a prostatectomy that follows a different procedure.

The prostate gland is a gland that is found in the male pelvis and is situated at the neck of the urinary bladder where this joins the urethra. The urethra is responsible for carrying urine from the urinary bladder to the penis.

Prostatectomy or prostate surgery is carried out in different ways or procedures, depending on the severity of the condition occurring in the person. These different procedures that are practiced include traditional open surgery, laser surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or surgery performed with robotic assistance in most cases. In the case of prostate cancer, the procedure involves using radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.

Specialists, such as surgeons and urologists may perform prostate surgery using advanced endoscopic techniques in order to address the symptoms which occur in patients with urinary disorders, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, etc. And, after addressing the symptoms, the surgeon or urologist may carry out the surgery using the necessary procedure.

For any sexual dysfunction issue, the treatment should start with changes in lifestyle. Changes in Lifestyle include a healthy eating routine with all vitamins, and proteins, proper sleep, exercise, and some natural treatments. Here are some articles, you may find help full to add in your daily lifestyle;

Risks and Side Effects of Prostate Surgery

Although prostate surgery or prostatectomy is a safe treatment for persons with enlarged prostate glands, urinary symptoms, and prostate cancer, there are also risks that may have adverse effects on the individuals after the surgery.

After a person undergoes prostate surgery, he may experience the risk of complications, which depending on the person’s condition, can be in a minimal or severe state.

A few complications which may arise after prostate surgery are as follows:

  • Difficulty when urinating
  • Slow or prolonged urination
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • The urinary bladder is not empty after urination
  • Narrowing (stricture) of the urethra or bladder neck
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Bleeding
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Dry orgasm
  • Formation of cysts containing lymph (lymphocyte)
  • Other complications

Thus, one common side effect which is likely to occur in persons after undergoing prostate surgery is erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence. This is a rare condition occurring in most men which makes the male incapable of developing sexual desire in the hormone (testosterone) that is needed to copulate with their partner.

Impotence in males can give rise to many other problems which could affect their health and relationship with their partner. Further, if left untreated, the person could have several more complications.

How Erectile Dysfunction Affects Men

When a person experiences erectile dysfunction, it causes the erectile external sexual organ in males to stop functioning normally. This can happen when the male sexual hormone known as testosterone is lower than its normal level and is unable to produce sexual characteristics (sexual desire or instinct) in males.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone present in males that is produced mostly in the testes and which is responsible for producing sexual characteristics in males. Testes are one of the essential male genital glands which secrete semen.

If the testosterone hormone level in males is lower than the normal level, this could create complications like low sex drive, depressed mood, reduced energy, erectile dysfunction, weak erection, short orgasm, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, fatigue, and other problems.

On the other hand, factors such as excess body weight, lack of physical activity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, old age, psychological factors (depression, anxiety, and hypertension), and habits like smoking, consumption of alcohol, and drug addiction can also add to the condition.

Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that occurs in the male genital organ. Most men suffering from erectile dysfunction experience problems with maintaining lasting erections and are unable to copulate with their partner, thereby affecting their sex drive and sexual relationship with their partner.

Since erectile dysfunction may occur as a side effect in men who have just undergone prostate surgery, the condition could also have a significant effect on the person’s health and sexual life.

Also, the time required to recover from erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery could take longer, and even much longer given the state of the person’s condition.

Recovering from a Prostate Surgery

For people who underwent prostate surgery, either recently or in the past, and are wondering how long it may take to recover fully, the answer is, it may take a few months, or a few years.

While some men may experience erectile dysfunction, mainly as a side effect post-prostate surgery, which could last a few weeks, a year, or longer. It happens because during the surgery if any of the nerves, muscles, or blood vessels (capillaries) that are responsible for developing erection are damaged or injured, this may prolong the recovery.

If a person was experiencing erectile dysfunction before the surgery, there are fewer chances to resolve the condition after surgery.

Doctors may recommend and prescribe their patients certain medicines in small doses which could temporarily help them maintain erections when indulging in sexual intercourse. The effect of such medication drugs may last for a few hours. Bear in mind, medication drugs also come with side effects, especially when taken multiple times a day or if continuing the dose for longer periods of time.

However, other than taking medication drugs prescribed by doctors/physicians to help treat erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery, engaging oneself in activities such as physical exercises, and eating a healthy diet (including green leafy vegetables, and foods rich in proteins), can lead to a better recovery.

Wrapping Up

Erectile dysfunction occurring as a complication from prostate surgery can be treated with modern techniques and medication drugs, though the time taken for the recovery may still be longer.

Over the years, improvements have been made in the different procedures for carrying out prostate surgery in patients with enlarged prostate glands, urinary disorders, and prostate cancer.

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