- Erectile dysfunction on the other hand is now seen in the age group of 18 years and above which was earlier found in old age people.
- There are reasons like stress, excessive smoking, heavy consumption of alcohol, overweight etc. are factors that contribute to the improvement of erectile brokenness. The constricted blood vessels of the penile region create a blockage leading to improper flow of blood to the erectile tissue.
- Here the male genital part loses its firmness referring to erectile dysfunction.
- The use is advised only after getting diagnosed by the doctor, due to the possibility of side effects taking place from the use of it.
- A valid prescription will allow you to order Zhewitra 40 mg tablets online without any discrepancy.
Administration of Zhewitra 40 mg
In most cases, the how to take Zhewitra or how to take Zhewitra 40 mg remains the same only the dosage may change due to the different health factors of the user.
The crisp and detailed way of consuming Zhewitra:
- Take the tablet with a glass of water to avoid dehydration taking place from it.
- Plan to consume the tablet 40-50 minutes prior, as the tablet takes time to work. 30 minutes is the optimal working time for the tablet.
- If the doctor insists on using the tablet with food then prefer light foods for easy and quick absorption into the bloodstream.
- A single tablet is enough to get you active for 4-5 hours.
- Don’t consume more or less often as it can hinder its effectiveness.
Adhere to the doctor’s advice properly for a fruitful result. Magic doesn’t happen overnight, likewise, a gradual use of it will get you itched for results.
Zhewitra 40 mg mechanism
Zhweitra is not an aphrodisiac that will work alone to get you an erection. So, foreplay after the intake of the Zhewitra tablets relaxes the arteries to improve the flow of blood to the erectile tissue.
In the initial stage consumption of Zhewitra 40 mg impedes the secretion of PDE-5 enzyme. This allows the higher production of cGMP enzyme that is responsible for keeping up the erection.
Working as a PDE-5 inhibitor Vardenafil helps a user to get a firmer erection that can sustain up to 4-5 hours from the time of consumption with multiple erections.
Extra advantages of Zhewitra
Eliminating erectile dysfunction is the prime objective of Zhewitra 40 mg, apart from that some other advantages are:
- Getting pleasant and satisfied sexual pleasure after a long time will reconstruct the long-lost sexual desire in a man.
- Re-establishing the lost confidence and removing the performance anxiety.
- Building up a better and more dynamic bond between the partners.
Zhewitra 40 mg side effects
With the complex nature of the body getting affected by the side effects is natural. In the same way, common side effects of Zhewitra 40 mg are:
- Headache
- Flushing
- Stuffy or runny nose
- Indigestion
- Upset stomach
- Dizziness or back pain
- Blurred vision
With quick absorption and faster excretion from the body, Zhewitra causes fewer side effects when compared to other ED-treating medicines like Sildenafil, Avanafil, and Tadalafil.
If the side effects persist for more than a week then consult your healthcare provider immediately without any delay. Don’t take any medicines for treating the side effects due to the presence of drug-drug interaction.
On persisting of the side effects the doctor might change the dose to Zhewitra 20 mg which is the lower dose of it.
Managing the side effects
The management of side effects is easy and needs home remedies to deal with. Follow the below steps to get rid of the effects.
Drink plenty of water: Consume 4 liters of water daily to maintain the hydration of the body and better functioning.
Take proper rest: The after use of Zhewitra can help you more tired leading to headaches, dizziness and nausea, so it is better to take a complete 1 day of rest.
Eating healthy and nutritious foods:
A proper diet from the food will help you to recover quickly and restore the lost energy. Avoid the intake of oily and high-fat meals.
Precautions before the use
Certain things are unknown to users that can cause undesirable side effects causing severe fatal consequences.
Below is a descriptive list of precautions that a user should take before using Zhewitra 40 mg.
- Don’t use the medicine until the doctor instructs you.
- Avoid the use if you are allergic to any of its content.
- Don’t use any other ED-treating medicine while using it.
- Don’t buy Zhewitra 40 mg online from any random sites at a lower price.
- Let the doctor know if you are using any kind of other medications other than Zhewitra.
- The use of it can affect concentration so don’t involve yourself in driving a vehicle or getting engaged in activities that require strenuous physical strength.
Who shouldn’t use the medicine?
The use of Zhewitra 40 mg isn’t suitable for certain health conditions, where the use can result in worsening of the current health condition. Certain prevailing health conditions are:
- Coronary disease, heart cadence problems.
- A congestive cardiac breakdown or coronary episode.
- Long qt condition/ palpitation of the heart.
- Low or high circulatory strain.
- Seizures.
- Hearing or vision problems.
- Retinitis pigmentosa or an eye problem.
- Penis distortion or deformity of the penis.
- You should not have sex if you’ve been told.
Drug Contraindications of Zhewitra 40 mg
Refers to the prohibition of certain classes of medicines that are not meant to be used with Zhewitra, as the use of these medicines can change the way it works. Some of the medicines are:
- Medicines managed to treat blood pressure
- Antifungal medications
- Certain antibiotics
- Medicines curing HIV/ AIDS
- Other ED medications
Talk to the doctor if you are taking any of these medications for a safer use that will not cause you any harm.
Other Substitutes
Alternatives for Zhweitra work the same way and give the desired result. If you don’t find it then go for the mentioned medicines:
Have a word with the personal healthcare provider before you decide to go for the alternatives.
Better storage will result in the future use of it whenever required. Steps to keep the medicine safe:
- Find a proper place to keep it away from children and pets.
- Keep it at a suitable room temperature of 22-25 degrees Celcius.
- Store it in the original blister packet only to avoid any damage to the medicine.
- If the medicine has expired then dispose of it.
- Don’t directly place it under sunlight or moisture.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which one is better Vardenafil or Sildenafil?
The answer depends on various health factors due to the complexity of the body, one medicine can’t work for everyone. The doctors determine which one is better for a user.
How long does Vardenafil last?
When Vardenafil is taken 40-50 minutes before, it lasts up to 5 hours with a single dose.
Is Zhewitra 40 mg an effective drug?
Yes, Zhewitra is an effective drug, but not for everyone as it depends on the health condition of an individual.
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