
Which Erectile Dysfunction Drug Is Best Over The Counter (OTC) & Online?

Which Erectile dysfunction drug is best

With the availability of different erectile dysfunction medicines, choosing which erectile dysfunction drug is best, can be a tough job. Because saying a particular ED medicine is the best is like knowing all the facts, pros, and cons of that particular medicine as compared to other ED-treating medicines.

But the question here is – can the same medicine work for all individuals suffering from ED? And I think that’s a big no. Because different people can have different expectations or needs. Whereas the cause of ED can also differ.

ED meds are helping millions of men to stay harder when it comes to performing sexual activity. But each medicine has unique characteristics that may influence its efficacy, onset of action, duration, side effects, and other factors.

There is a lot to consider while choosing the best. Because it is a trial-and-error method. But once you get to all the facts, it’ll be easier for you to sort it out.

To have a clear idea about which erectile dysfunction drug is best, this blog will bring out some of the differences that might help in figuring out.

Find the Best Among Viagra, Cialis, Vilitra, & Stendra:

Pills like Viagra, Cenforce, Kamagra (Sildenafil), Cialis (Tadalafil), Vilitra (Vardenafil) & Stendra (Avanafil) belong to the same class of medications known as PDE-5 inhibitors. These medicines work by breaking the action of Phosphodiesterase-5. That facilitates the smoothening of the veins present in the penile area giving a constant blood flow.

Consume Process:-

Mostly the consumption remains the same for each of the mentioned ED meds. The below information shows food can affect them.

Way To Consume Viagra:-

Viagra should be consumed on an empty stomach or with light meals for better absorption in the blood. Take it 1 hour before indulging with your partner as the effects can be seen within 45 minutes.

Way To Consume Cialis:-

Consumption of food doesn’t affect the action while using Cialis. But it is recommended to take the medicine 30 minutes before making love with your partner.

Way To Consume Vilitra:-

Like Viagra, the consumption process remains the same. The use of heavy meals can lead to delayed absorption into the blood. The effects of Vilitra can be seen within 45-50 minutes.

Way To Consume Stendra:-

Stendra is the newest of all the ED meds. Its effectiveness doesn’t decline with the intake of food. And it is only prescribed for occasional ED symptoms.

How Long The Effects Last?

Most of the users are concerned about how long the medicine will make them last. And it is the most searched query for all of the ED medicines available on the internet.

Last Long Time Of Viagra:-

Viagra can last up to 4-8 hours. But that doesn’t mean it will keep the penis erect for that long. And in between the hours, there is a chance of multiple erections taking place. The erection can be felt between 45-60 minutes.

Last Long Time Of Cialis:-

The effects can be felt for 36 hours from the time of consumption. Which is the longest period for any ED medicine. The maximum effect happens 2 hours from the time of consumption. The use of Cialis can give an erection at any point in time.

Last Long Time Of Vilitra:-

It works as quickly as 20 minutes. But the effects can be seen exactly within 1 hour. It keeps working in the body for 4-5 hours.

Last Long Time Of Stendra:-

The initial dose of 100 mg stays up to 5 hours. While the effects can be felt between 30-45 minutes before the consumption. And it starts working as quickly as under 150 minutes.

How Often Should The ED Medicines Be Used?

It is the main thing to remember that ED medicines should be consumed as per the advice of the doctor. Otherwise, it can lead to an overdose of it. For more clarified information check with the expert erectile dysfunction doctors In New Jersey.


The most widely used Viagra should be consumed once per day only. And it is strictly advised not to be taken it regularly. Taking it regularly may not work properly. In case of any doubt consult with a Urologist.


As earlier mentioned the effects of Cialis remains up to 36 hours. So it can be seen that taking another tablet can cause serious side effects leading to an overdose of it. For best results use it only when you are performing intercourse.


The use of Vilitra also aligns with the use of Viagra. It should be taken once a day only. Mostly the same is advised by every doctor for every ED medicine except Stendra.


You can refer to the above-mentioned statement in the second line of Vilitra that most ED medicines are recommended to use once per day only. Because the use of another tablet within 24 hours irrespective of multiple sexual activities can be referred to as an overdose of it.

What Are The Available Strengths or Doses?

There are various strengths as everybody is not having the same body build. Usually, most doctors recommend starting it with a smaller dose. That too only after a proper examination of the current health condition.

VIAGRA25, 50, 100
CIALIS2.5, 5, 10, 20
VILITRA5, 10, 20
STENDRA50, 100, 200

What Are The Possible Or Common Side Effects of Viagra, Cialis, Vilitra & Stendra?

To be clear on this arising inquiry every ED medicines have the same side effects. And some of the common side effects are:-

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Indigestion (upset stomach)
  • Vision changes
  • Muscle pain

But still, there exists a small corner for differences like the use of Viagra can make changes in eyesight or blurred vision. CHILL! Nothing to worry about as this is treated as mild & short-term.

3 % of the users using Viagra & Sildenafil get a short-term blue vision that lasts for a few hours. And Cialis can get you a risk of muscle pain when compared to Viagra & Verdanfil.

And the best part is, all these side effects don’t last a week also. So sit back and get some pieces of information that can swiftly help you to choose which erectile dysfunction drug is best. Making you stand apart from the crowd.

Above that if you want to cure your ED in a more natural way you can drink the best juice for Erectile Dysfunction or use the best gummies for erectile dysfunction.

What About The Price?

There exists a huge price difference between Generic ED when differentiating it from their marketed or branded products. The main cause for the rising price of branded products is marketing & advertising. A strategy to make their sale shoot through the roof. Though the generic version like Sildnefal, Tadalafil, Verdanfil & Stendra gives the same outcome at a competitive price. So it solely depends on how you want to spend your money. If you want a great save on genuine ED medicines then visit PINKVIVA for much satisfied prices.

Drug Interaction & Use of ED medicines:-

There is a list of medicines which are having a chance of drug interaction if used with ED medicines. Check below for the medicines

  • Medicines to treat high blood pressure
  • Drugs to treat pulmonary artery hypertension
  • Antibiotics
  • Nitrates
  • HIV medications

So if any individual is using these drugs, should consult with a doctor before using any kind of ED medicine. These interactions can sometimes cause serious health issues.

Consult To The Doctor Before Jumping Into Any Conclusions:-

Before diving with lots of expectations that this ED drug can fulfill your dread dreams. It is better to have two-way communication with a Urologist. Rather than being disappointed on V-day.

The last but most important point,

Communicating With The Partner:-

The real magic happens here. When you just address any issues related to ED with your partner. A willingness to understand the enhance the characteristics of these medications can play a major role.

The Conclusion:-

With a lot of research, there is no existence of statement that can prove which erectile dysfunction drug is best for everyone. And remember that there is no permanent cure for erectile dysfunction till now or any pill that can cure erectile dysfunction completely.

Since the ED symptoms differ from person to person along with needs. There can’t be a single solution for everyone. Each ED pill will have a slightly different experience. After consultation with the doctor, closely follow the recommended things which can get the best result for you.

Hope this page has got you the desired answer that you are looking for. Reinstate your manliness with how to use apple cider vinegar for erectile dysfunction.

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