
Tips on How To Deal With Premature Ejaculation In A Relationship

how to deal with premature ejaculation in a relationship

Having Premature Ejaculation? Is that affecting your relationship? Are you not able to find out how to deal with premature ejaculation in a relationship that has led to an off-track of your sexual drive?

Gosh! that’s a whole lot of things. Grab a drink & allow yourself to cool down & understand the whole scenario of premature ejaculation & get tips on how to cure premature ejaculation naturally.

Know What is Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation (PE) affects most men at some point in their sex drive and lives. Men with such a condition often struggle to keep their relationship with their partner going smoothly.

Now, there can be several reasons as to why some men could experience short orgasms which makes their sexual activity undesirable with their partner. However, there are solutions by which men with premature ejaculation conditions can work their way out and save their relationship from taking a toll.

Here, we’re going to look at how to deal with premature ejaculation in a relationship, if you’re struggling with one with your partner.

Premature Ejaculation and its Impact on a Couple’s Relationship

Premature ejaculation (aka short/quick orgasm) can have a significant impact on a person’s sexual activity as well as on the relationship between the couple or partners. If a person is going through psychological conditions, like anxiety, hypertension, depression etc., these can also have a serious impact on the person’s sex drive and relationship.

While the causes of premature ejaculation can be complex, its effects are complicated, too. Premature ejaculation can have an impact on a person’s sexual relationship, self-esteem and life. For instance, when anxiety takes over, premature ejaculation leads to other sexual dysfunction, and the cycle can turn in on itself.

Although premature ejaculation is a condition that affects men, it also concerns their sexual partners. Even though the vast majority of research has focused on the impact that premature ejaculation has on males and their sexual health, some researchers have examined the effects of premature ejaculation on the sexual health of the partner or both partners.

There is a strong association between sexual dysfunction in general and impaired quality of life. Sexual dysfunction is highly associated with negative premature ejaculation experiences in sexual relationships and overall well-being. Sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation, is an important concern and warrants further study.

However, there are a few solutions that can lead you towards how to deal with premature ejaculation in males, and which can further prevent their relationship from falling apart.

Best Way To Cure Premature Ejaculation in a Relationship

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man orgasms during sex sooner than his partner would like. Criteria for diagnosing this condition include that the man nearly always ejaculates within one minute of penetration or is almost never able to delay ejaculation. For most men, the average time until ejaculation is about five minutes.

Premature ejaculation affects many men and can lead to them feeling frustrated and embarrassed. Some men even try to avoid sexual intimacy because of such psychological emotions. However, the condition can be treated through counseling, using sexual techniques to delay ejaculation, and medications. By addressing the issue, you and your partner can enjoy sex and maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

There are a few ways that can be quite useful to help men in getting a natural cure for premature ejaculation. These are given as follows.

1. Consult with Your Doctor

Getting medical treatment from a professional healthcare provider should be your priority when dealing with premature ejaculation conditions in your life. Sometimes premature ejaculation may be a symptom of another underlying health problem that needs to be treated before it shows to have severe effects on your overall health.

For instance, a few commonly occurring health problems that could cause premature ejaculation in a person are enlarged prostate, prostate infection, diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, depression, and other underlying health conditions or diseases.

Therefore, seeking medical assistance from a doctor/physician is vital to overcome such challenges. Your doctor may prescribe medication drugs that can help you with delaying ejaculation (orgasm) and having fun-filled sexual intercourse with your partner.

However, bear in mind, that while prescription medication drugs can help boost your sexual hormone levels (testosterone) and sexual desire for a long-lasting sex drive, these drugs could also have undesirable side effects due to prolonged use.

2. Do Physical Exercises Daily

Needless to say, doing physical exercises regularly not only helps keep you fit and active in your everyday life, but it also has a direct impact on your sexual health.

Physical exercises are an essential activity for a healthy life. These exercises in the form of running, jogging, swimming, and workouts at the gym can help improve your physical abilities, stamina, and mental health.

Regular physical exercises can also help improve your sexual hormones, and by building up your stamina, you can engage in lasting sexual activity with your partner.

3. Eat Foods Rich in Protein

A well-balanced diet is equally vital for a healthy physical and mental life. Since conditions such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low testosterone (sexual hormone) level, lack of sexual desire, etc., do create many problems in males and affect their sexual life, eating healthy foods is a natural solution to overcome these problems.

Have plenty of green leafy vegetables as they contain the necessary proteins, vitamins, and other minerals that are essential for your body to function normally. Also, having green salads, beetroot juice, and adding garlic and cloves to your meals can help with improving premature ejaculation conditions. You can refer to some of the foods that kill erectile dysfunction also which is a major sexual issue for men around the world.

On the other hand, it is best to avoid red meat as it can have detrimental effects on your health, especially if you have had other health conditions for quite some time.

4. Engage Often in Foreplay with Your Partner

If you have never tried foreplay with your partner prior to the intercourse, there is no harm in doing it. When engaged in foreplay, both partners tease each other with their sexual desires in order to increase the mood, which gives them both longer moments to have fun all along the way.

If you have a short or weak orgasm, perhaps, indulging in foreplay with your partner can get you ready for the next intercourse and last longer.

You may think of this as a therapy for enhancing your libido, but a therapy carried out between couples/partners, instead of by an individual therapist.

5. Use Condoms that Delay Ejaculation

Condoms (also called rubbers) not only protect you from acquiring unwanted diseases and infections that are sexually transmitted, or impregnating your partner but there are also ones that are specifically made for persons with erectile dysfunction conditions. The use of such condoms can help delay your orgasm during intercourse, thus allowing both you and your partner to enjoy the moment to the end.

Most condom manufacturing brands produce different varieties of products that fit the needs of all people.

6. Let Your Partner Know About Your Premature Ejaculation Condition

Last, but not least, depending on how emotionally bonded you are with your partner, sharing your feelings, desires, challenges, inadequacy etc., with your partner and talking about them is another good way of bringing harmony in your relationship.

Most likely, your partner will understand your situation and make you feel comfortable. So, there is no need to shy away from speaking up about your premature ejaculation condition with your partner.

In case you are not satisfied or getting results from the use of natural ways to cure premature ejaculation, you can also use some of the recommended medicines like Poxet & Duratia. Both medicines contain a special ingredient known as Dapoxetine which works as a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor(SSRI). The work of SSRI is to give control over ejaculation by slowing down the process in post-synaptic receptors present in the brain.

Consult an expert doctor before trying to buy any of these mentioned medicines, as the use of them depends on various factors that can cause severe side effects leading to health degradation. How to deal with premature ejaculation in a relationship is a great concern for every man as a good sexual life leads to a better connection with your partner that overall make your life flow better.

Wrapping Up

Premature ejaculation is a rare condition occurring in most men that somehow impacts their sexual life and relationship with their partner. But, solutions mentioned on how to deal with premature ejaculation in a relationship above, can greatly help anyone in overcoming many problems in one’s relationship and life.

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