
Do Blood Thinners Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

Do Blood Thinners Help With Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a rare condition but affects most males and at any age. Although there are FDA-approved and off-label medication drugs and supplements available to treat ED in men, some doctors may also suggest using blood thinners in its treatment. Here, we’re going to take a quick look at do blood thinners help with erectile dysfunction when used. Whether blood thinners could help improve sexual dysfunction in males, and if so, why and how.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) – Its Causes and Symptoms

Most men experience erection problems either before or during copulation with their partner. This happens when the male sexual hormone level called testosterone is low and fails to function normally. As a result, the male is unable to fully satisfy the excitement of his sex drive with his partner, which in turn, makes their partner feel dissatisfied, too.

The testosterone present in the male body is a vital hormone that is responsible for increasing and decreasing sexual desire (libido) in men. Suppose the testosterone hormone level is significantly lower than normal. In that case, the person may experience various conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, weak or short-lived erection, low sexual excitement, low sperm count, depressed mood, reduced energy, and other complications.

There can be several reasons as to why a condition such as erectile dysfunction occurs in males. Various clinical research shows that erectile dysfunction can be caused due to one or more reasons. A few such reasons include:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Lack of engagement in physical activities
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, or cardiovascular disease
  • Habits involving smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug addiction
  • Contraction of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), for example, HIV/AIDS
  • A side effect caused by other consumable items, medicines, drugs, etc.
  • Other health problems
  • Changes in lifestyle

Additionally, a decreased testosterone level could be caused as a side effect from other consumable items, including foods and beverages, and medication drugs, even non-prescription drugs, that are taken for longer periods.

What are Blood Thinners and Their Function

Blood thinners have several uses such as treating or preventing health problems associated with blood flow, heart stroke, cardiovascular disease, blood clotting, etc.

On the other hand, certain drugs used for regulating blood pressure could also help improve erectile dysfunction for some men.

However, there are also other medications that most people take, for example, for heart problems, and such medicines could trigger ED or even worsen the condition. So, if you are taking blood thinners you are likely also taking another medication which could cause ED, such as beta-blockers.

Are Blood Thinning Medications Good For Improving Erectile Dysfunction?

In general, blood thinners are medications created to prevent blood clots, which could lead to strokes. A common example of using blood thinners is during surgical procedures where doctors administer such medicine to lower the risk of blood clots being formed and prevent them from getting bigger or thicker.

Besides surgery, doctors also administer blood thinning medicines to patients who experience heart problems or cardiovascular disease.

There are different types of blood thinners that are available both as generic and branded medicines. These blood thinners are categorized into two segments:

(a) Anticoagulants

(b) Anti-platelets

(a) Anti-coagulants

Anti-coagulant is the most common form of blood thinner medication. This type of medication is administered to patients to slow down the formation of blood clots and their embolization via the circulation to vital organs such as the heart, brain or lungs, where the blood clots could lead to life-threatening situations.

Generally, persons who are experiencing cardiovascular disease or recently had heart surgery are treated with anti-coagulants in order to minimise the clotting of blood.

A few examples of anti-coagulant medications are Heparin, Enoxaparin, and Warfarin etc.

(b) Anti-platelets

Anti-platelets, on the other hand, are used to prevent blood clots from forming in the blood cells (known as platelets).

A few examples of anti-platelet medications are Aspirin, Plavix (Clopidogrel), Dipyridamoleticlopidine etc.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, blood thinners may be quite helpful in treating the condition, in which the flow of blood needs to be regulated so that the penis can receive enough blood to aid in producing erection.

Other Medications for Treating Erectile Dysfunction

The most common method for treating erectile dysfunction is taking ED medication drugs such as those that fall in the category of PDE-5 inhibitors. Doctors often prescribe medication drugs and supplements to patients who are having difficulty with penal erections, experience premature ejaculation or develop a disinterest in sexual activity.

Most of these medication drugs work by increasing the flow of blood from blood vessels into different parts of the body, including the male genital organ (penis). Thus, when the blood flow is regulated to the male penis, this allows men to produce and maintain erections for a longer duration.

The dosage and duration of taking such prescribed medication drugs vary from one person to another, taking into consideration factors such as the person’s age, weight, severity of the condition, medical history, etc.

On the other hand, there are also aphrodisiacs (stimulants) that may help with erectile dysfunction. An aphrodisiac is a stimulating drug and its main purpose is to aid in increasing sexual desires in the persons by boosting their sexual hormone (testosterone). An increased sexual desire, therefore, allows men to develop excitement and engage in a lasting copulation with their partner.

Risk of Taking ED Medications

ED medication drugs may cause a risk of complications in the person’s body when taken for an extended period of time. Therefore, in order to reduce the complications that could be incurred by prolonged intake of ED medicines, doctors usually recommend small doses to their patients.

Wrapping Up

From the above discussion, it can be derived that yes blood thinners help in treating erectile dysfunction to some extent. However, it’s always a good idea to seek medical assistance from qualified doctors before taking any ED medications that could adversely affect your body and health.

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