
Can Amlodipine Cause Erectile Dysfunction/ Impotence?

Can Amlodipine Cause Erectile Dysfunction/ Impotence

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition that can occur in males of any age group and for one or more reasons. Though this is a rare condition affecting most men, it cannot be ignored and requires immediate medical treatment from a professional doctor/physician.

In a way, using medication drugs prescribed by a qualified doctor/physician can prove quite useful in treating erectile dysfunction in males. However, chances are that some prescription drugs could also result in causing the condition, either early or later. This is because pharmaceutical drugs, be they generic or branded, do come with side effects that could possibly impact a person’s body and bodily functions in one way or the other.

Here, we’re going to find out if using amlodipine medication drug can cause erectile dysfunction, and if so, why?

Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Most men experience erection problems during or before copulating with their partner. This happens when the male sexual hormone called testosterone is low and fails to function normally. As a result, the male is unable to fully satisfy the excitement of the sex drive with their partner, which in turn, makes their partner feel dissatisfied, too.

The testosterone level present in the male body is a vital hormone that is produced in the testes (male genital gland) and is responsible for increasing and decreasing sexual desire in men.

If the testosterone hormone level is significantly lower than usual, the person may experience various conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, weak or short-lived erection, low sexual excitement, low sperm count, depressed mood, reduced energy, and other complications.

There can be several reasons as to why a condition such as erectile dysfunction occurs in males. Various clinical research shows that erectile dysfunction can be caused due to one or more reasons. A few such reasons include:

  • Lack of proper diet, especially those rich in proteins
  • Less engagement in physical activities
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Habits involving smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug addiction
  • Contraction of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • A side effect caused by other consumable items, medicines, drugs, etc.
  • Some blood pressure medications cause erectile dysfunction by making endothelial damage.
  • Other health issues

Also, a low testosterone level could be caused as a side effect from other consumable items, including foods and beverages, medication drugs, and even unprescribed drugs, etc., that are taken for longer periods of time.

What is Amlodipine?

Amlodipine (Norvasc) is also commonly known as a calcium channel blocker. It is a prescription medication drug that is available both in tablet and liquid form.

This prescription drug is used to treat various conditions occurring in adults and children over the age of six years. It is mainly used for treating conditions like angina (chest pain), high blood pressure (or hypertension), coronary artery disease (CAD), etc. Amlodipine is commonly prescribed to patients with high blood pressure.

Amlodipine can be effective in reducing blood pressure by acting as a calcium channel blocker, particularly in smooth muscles of the blood vessels (called capillaries) in the body. It reduces the influx of calcium into vascular smooth muscle cells causing them to relax. In turn, the relaxation of smooth muscle cells allows the arterial wall to also relax so that the blood can flow easily through a larger passageway.

Does Amlodipine Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Amlodipine is an effective medication drug for treating various health problems, including high blood pressure. The drug helps lower blood pressure by regulating the flow of blood through blood vessels to various parts of the body.

We are having said that it is also true that many drugs including amlodipine, which is used for treating high blood pressure could contribute to causing erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, certain drugs used for regulating blood pressure could also help improve erectile dysfunction for some men.

A few common side effects that may occur after taking amlodipine medication drug are:

  • Swelling of the legs or ankles (edema)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat (palpitation)
  • Nausea
  • Flushing
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Frequent urination

It should also be noted that several other side effects are likely to occur with higher doses of amlodipine.

Although a rare occurrence, some people have reported erectile dysfunction while taking amlodipine. However, it’s important to note that erectile dysfunction can have many other causes, including high blood pressure. And erectile dysfunction is more likely to occur when taken with other blood pressure medications, for example, thiazide diuretics and beta blockers.

People experiencing erectile dysfunction after starting amlodipine medication drug should consult their healthcare provider immediately. There are also some blood pressure medications that do not cause erectile dysfunction.

Treating Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition that may cause the erectile external sexual organ of males i.e., the penis, to lack certain functionality. As such, the testosterone hormone in the male body is unable to produce sexual desire or characteristics. This can also lead to unsatisfactory copulation, and eventually, hardship in a sexual relationship between the couple.

One of the main problems of erectile dysfunction is the inability or lesser desire to copulate due to the lack of hormone (testosterone) that is responsible for producing the erection of the male genital organ prior to intercourse. This can further negatively affect fertility in males as well.

Doctors/physicians often prescribe medication drugs to patients who are having difficulty with erection and are unable to copulate, and/or experience premature ejaculation. The dosage and duration of taking such prescribed medication drugs vary from one person to another, taking into consideration factors such as the person’s age, weight, severity of the condition, medical history, etc.

It’s important to note that low testosterone levels in a person could also be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Therefore, it is advised to consult your healthcare provider if you think you might be experiencing symptoms related to low testosterone.

If you are diagnosed with low testosterone, your healthcare provider will decide the best treatment method for you based on your individual needs.

Other Ways to Improve Erectile Dysfunction

Aside from taking the dosage of prescription medication drugs for treating erectile dysfunction, there are other things that can help improve the condition.

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Do physical exercise on a daily basis
  • Quit unhealthy habits and addictions e.g., smoking, alcohol, illicit drugs, etc.
  • Only take medication drugs prescribed by your healthcare provider, and avoid excessive dosages of such medicines

These are some practical ways to keep the body functioning normally, and thus, may prevent many health problems from occurring and affecting one’s lifestyle.

Wrapping Up

Amlodipine, a medication drug that falls in the category of calcium channel blockers, has both positive and negative effects on the person’s body when taken for a certain period of time.

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